Avalanche Networks: Our SEO Services

Avalanche Networks specializes in getting our clients found on the first page of results in major search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo. Search engines are a key source of new customers for just about any business - these are people actively looking for products and services. Many potential customers don't bother with companies who appear on the second page of results, and even fewer delve deeper into the thousands of competing results.

The best website in any product category is not the most dazzling, the prettiest, or the most high tech, but the one that consumers can locate when they need it. Your company's investment in a website is all for naught if it's nothing more than a billboard in the forest. By applying effective processes to optimize the search engine placement of a client's website, and continually monitoring and maintaining that placement once it has been achieved, Avalanche provides a crucial marketing service in today's wired society.

What makes us different?

It's simple, really. We guarantee high placement in the most popular Internet search engines -- or you only pay half the regular monthly fee. This gives us a clear incentive to continually work to achieve and maintain high placement for you! Let us be clear on this point -- we are not offering a "money back" guarantee here; we simply ask for half of our monthly fee until we have demonstrated that we have earned the full fee by achieving success. After we agree on the set of phrases that will form the benchmark for success, we get to work. But only when we have achieved first-page placement on at least half of the major search engines for at least half of the contracted search terms does the full monthly billing start, which ranges from $475 per month to several thousand dollars (our typical client is at the low end of that scale).

Visit AvalancheSearch.com or call 1-888-994-2223 ext 27 for more information.

For cost-effective search engine optimization (SEO) solutions
call Avalanche Networks at 416-477-5663 or 1-888-994-2223 today!